
From time to time, I offer online and in person groups to allow deeper explorations of the work.

The regular closed online group will be starting again on on Monday September 2nd,  6-8pm.  It will run for three sessions fortnightly on Mondays in September at the same time.  The other two dates will be:

Sept 16th and 30th. 

The first session will be open, after that it will be closed. If you are interested, please use the form to leave your contact details here.

I have been surprised and relieved to spontaneously laugh, cry and move through a whole range of emotions with a sense of safety and connection to a deeper ground. Gerard's natural warmth and honesty shines through, and together with the deepening trust of the same group of people, all reminds me again and again it's ok to meet life directly with a heartful humility and openness.

Join me for a free online taster session

Your group gives me space to drop into my experience, and then articulate it. I feel witnessed and received. The upshot of that is my nervous system regulates itself making me calmer , which in turn gives rise to  more depth of experience. It’s the combination of deeper connection with myself and with others that feeds me